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McKinney-Vento – Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program

An image of Taniqua Blakely

Taniqua Blakely

McKinney-Vento Homeless Specialist
An image of Kara Fluty

Kara Fluty

Federal Programs Director

About the Homeless Education Program

The Homeless Education Program is designed to support districts and charters as they strive to meet the unique needs of students experiencing homelessness. Technical assistance is provided through statute interpretation, identification, and service requirements as it relates to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance ActThe Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth (TEHCY) Support Center provides technical assistance to anyone, anywhere in the state, regarding issues related to children and youth experiencing homelessness. Additional TEHCY contact information, resources, and training materials are included in the state resources tab at the bottom of the page. 

Collaboration is also facilitated between schools and regional community agencies to ensure that identified homeless students receive the necessary services. This video provides information to ensure districts gather the necessary details to determine McKinney-Vento identification. School districts can share this video to provide general information to families about the McKinney-Vento Act. Be sure to check out additional community services and resources at the bottom of the page!



District McKinney-Vento Liaisons

Each Local Education Agency (LEA) must designate a representative as their district’s/charter’s Homeless Liaison.  Liaisons ensure that:

  • - children and youth in homeless situations are identified by school staff and through coordination activities with other entities and agencies, and
  • - students experiencing homelessness enroll—and have full and equal opportunity to succeed—in school.

Access the District Homeless Liaison Directory for Region 9.



Regional McKinney-Vento Liaison

Each Regional Education Service Center is also required to designate a Homeless Liaison to assist LEAs in the identification and service of homeless students. The ESC representative also facilitates trainings and resources for district homeless liaisons. Contact information for the Region 9 ESC Homeless Liaison is: 

Taniqua Blakely


TEA McKinney-Vento Informational Posters

The Texas Education Agency recently released digital files of the new McKinney-Vento posters.  There are two versions of the poster, one to assist parents of school-age youth (English & Spanish) and a second to assist unaccompanied youth (English & Spanish).  Should you need additional printed posters, please contact Lacy Murphey.

McKinney-Vento Information for School-Age Youth
McKinney-Vento Information for School-Age Youth
McKinney-Vento Information for Parents of School-Age Youth
McKinney-Vento Information for Parents of School-Age Youth

McKinney-Vento Resources