This program provides school districts and charters with technical assistance for CTE programs in grades 8 through 12 by serving as a liaison between Texas Education Agency, districts, and charter schools to achieve quality Career and Technology Education (CTE) programs. A primary focus of the service is to reinforce academic and CTE course integration at the campus level, to assist in the coordination of professional development opportunities for CTE personnel, to provide support in the Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System, and to assist with the completion of the annual CTE application to the Texas Education Agency.
Career and Technical Education Technical Assistance/Perkins Career and Technical Education Consortium
This program provides school districts and charters with technical assistance for CTE programs in grades 8 through 12 by serving as a liaison between Texas Education Agency, districts, and charter schools to achieve quality Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. A primary focus of the service is to reinforce academic and CTE course integration at the campus level, to assist in the coordination of professional development opportunities for CTE personnel, to provide support in the Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System, and to assist with the completion of the annual CTE application to Texas Education Agency.
Vision for CTE
"Imagine an education and workforce system that rewards innovation, works together to support different learning styles, values, student interests and talents, nimbly adapts and responds
changing technology and workforce needs--and prepares young and adult students alike for success in college and career. That's the vision for CTE."
According to, "Career and Technical Education enable students to develop problem solving, project completion research, math, college preparedness, work related, communication, time management and critical thinking skills during high school.
Professional Development Services
Career and Technical Education (CTE) services are designed to assist districts in promoting the development and implementation of rigorous and challenging CTE programs. Through collaboration and support, ESC-9 is available to assist districts with the following:
Implement career guidance programs for grades 8-12
Implement appropriate curriculum for CTE programs
Preparation for CTE Compliance visit
Implement work-based learning and apprenticeship programs
Integrate core academic into CTE programs
Complete the Carl Perkins annual application for federal funds
Promote non-traditional courses
Eliminate gender bias
Develop appropriate and timely staff development opportunities for CTE educators
Promote Tech-Prep and High Schools that Work initiatives
Prepare for Office of Civil Rights (OCR) visit
Provide customized services and support
Programs Services and Certifications
Certification exams are provided for teachers and students who's districts are members of the SSA.
Resources: (contact Michael Chapman for availability)