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Instructional Technology Services

“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be tranformational.”

-George Couros

An image of Christy Johnson

Christy Johnson

Digital Engagement Lead

As part of the Instructional Technology Services Co-op, participating districts have access to resources to effectively integrate technology into quality instruction. Participants can attend professional development sessions free of charge as part of this cooperative. Additionally, districts can send their directors of technology, technology specialists, instructional technology specialists, or instructional coaches to our Digital Learning and Integration Network (DLIN) meetings held several times a year. 

Teaching in the Digital Age
Teaching in the Digital Age
Tech & Teaching: A Dynamic Duo
Tech & Teaching: A Dynamic Duo



To access our R9EdTech Lunch & Learn site, click here.



Promotional image for "R9 EdTech Lunch & Learn" with a schedule of sessions on educational technology topics from October to May. Includes web address: